Articles by "who looked at my facebook profile"
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Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile?
Who viewed my facebook profile recently?
Every time that I want to know who visited my profile on Facebook, I did some simple tricks. For just a minute, I easily know who checked my FB profile. If you also want to know who viewed your Facebook profile, just follow my tricks that I am going to share on this page.

This is how I check who looked at my facebook profile. You can do also same as I do.
  1. Open your PC and internet.
  2. Normally, login to your Facebook account using any browsers (chrome, opera, Firefox, etc…).
  3. Click your profile or navigate to your profile page.
  4. In your profile page, find a place or space of the browser that is blank, and then right click on it using your PC mouse.
  5. When the right click done, option will come up, and choose view page source.
  6. In the page source view, find "Initialchatfriendslist" or use short cut CTRL+F and Type Initialchatfriendslist and then hit the enter button that located on your keypad.
  7. When done you should see ID number around it. This ID number was own by your friends who stalks on your profile. Just copy on it.
  8. Now, create a new tab on your browser and type then add the ID number that you have copied earlier then hit enter button of your keypad.

That’s it! Now, you will see who viewed your Facebook profile. That is him/her who looked at your facebook profile most. Do you Happy for this tutorial? Share it to your family and friends. And also share us your experience in the comment area. Enjoy!

Learn more: How can you tell if someone blocked you on Facebook?