Articles by "importance of family budget"
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Why Should I Make a Budget

You say you know where your money goes and you don't have to keep everything written down to keep it going? I issue this challenge to you. Keep track of all the pennies you spend for one month, and I mean every penny.

You'll be shocked by itty-bitty's added cost. Take the total amount of money you spent on just one unnecessary item per month and multiply it by 12 months a year. You could have saved interest and drawn interest in just five years.

It's precisely because we all need a budget, my friend. We can have financial success if we can control small expenses that don't really matter in all of our life's schemes. It really matters the stuff. Savings of $10 a week save $40 a month, $480 per year, $2400 per year, five years, + interest. Lunch is $5 a day to $3 a day in a 5-day work week every day. See what I mean, it's really the thing and you eat lunch every day and it was just one spot to save money in your everyday life without something you really need.

There are plenty of places to cut expenses when you look for them. Set certain long-term and short-term goals. There's no wrong answer here. If you care, this is an important time. If you want to be able to make an down payment on your home, start a university fund for your kids, buy a sports car, go on holidays in Aruba. This is your goal and your reason to get to grips with your financial situation now.