September 2021
how long do mosquito bites last
How long do mosquito bites last?

The female mosquito will start to feed after landing on a person’s skin. Her mouthparts are made up of sharp bristles and tubes. The bristles cut a hole in the skin, allowing the female mosquito to probe the tissue until it comes into contact with a small blood vessel, or capillary.

Then, two tubes are inserted into the blood vessel or capillary, one with saliva flowing through it and the other sucking up the person's blood. Saliva acts as an anticoagulant, allowing blood to flow more freely. The proteins in saliva cause the human immune system to react in the form of itching.

The itchy sensation you feel after being bitten by a mosquito is the body's natural reaction to mosquito saliva. As a result of the increased blood flow, the immune system produces histamines, which causes the nerves to itch. When there is an overabundance of histamine released, the area around the bite can swell and turn red, in addition to itching.


Dried Crushed Mint Leaves
Dried Crushed Mint Leaves

Sometimes flies swarming outside my house. Flies have probably been on this planet longer than humans, but humans have taken over and would like the flies to leave. They seem to be buzzing around the kitchen all summer, and nothing, not even the fly swatter, seems to be able to get rid of them. Moths take over at night and hover around the patio light, causing a nuisance.

Fortunately, there are several organic pest control methods available to keep them out of your home. Crushed mint is an organic fly repellent. Fresh mint leaves (from your garden or a plant store) can be crushed and placed in small sachets. Place them around your house and watch the flies fly away. Furthermore, bay leaves, eucalyptus leaves, and cloves placed in sachets or around the house will act as fly repellents. There appear to be a plethora of organic herbs that flies dislike.

Natural Repellent For Flies Outside
Natural Repellent For Flies Outside 

Another great organic fly repellent that works like flypaper is a quarter cup of corn syrup or maple syrup, a tablespoon of granulated sugar, and a tablespoon of brown sugar mixed together in a bowl. The mixture is then wrapped in brown craft paper and allowed to dry overnight. The following day, poke a hole in each strip and hang it with a paperclip or string.

Flies are drawn to the organic mixture and become entangled in it, rendering them helpless. When it comes to organic fly repellents, it appears that science is assisting us more and more. You can now buy a completely organic, nontoxic, pheromone-based fly trap that can be used both indoors and outdoors. Pheromones are flies' chemical sex attractants that draw them in and help them stick to the inside of the trap.

Moths are flying insects that are drawn to light and can end up in your home. Certain moths can get into your clothes and eat the fabric. Fortunately, there are a number of organic pest control methods available for moths. One method is to wrap cedar chips in a square of cheesecloth to create a sachet. To repel flying insects, use cedar oil, also known as juniper oil, and drench pieces of fabric.

Dried lemon peels are another organic and natural moth repellent. Put them in a clothes chest or wrap them in cheesecloth to keep them out of your clothes. Making sachets with lavender, rose petals, or rosemary and placing them between the folds of your clothing or inside your closets are two other organic herbal remedies.

Finally, science has aided us in our battle against moths by developing organic pheromone-based moth traps for your pantry or clothing. A "bug zapper" is a light that emits an electric zap when activated outside. As long as the "zapping" sound doesn't drive you insane, this will keep moths and other flying insects at bay. Moths and flies are insects for which there are no effective chemical repellents. This means that using organic insect repellents is by far the safest option and will help make the hot summer days and nights more comfortable.